Porject Brief:
This project is located at one of Penang's oldest herritage district. The site carries with it a very significant history of migrants from China. How they establish their district and how they maintained it.
However, as time passes, the site has lost it's historical sigficants, leaving the older generations to occupy the area with nothing but memories. Young generations has left in pursuit for urban life in Georgetown, BayanLepas, and also to majaor cities like Kuala Lumpur.
Hence, the departure of his project is base on a form of symbolic dedication to the Chinese history in Penang where it houses historical objects, artworks, photographs, and documents to revive and structure the memories of the past.
Spatial configuration is base on views to the open sea and linearity to suggest a continous walk in life just like how the old saying by Confucious, "The journey of a thousand miles, begins with a single step".