This is a project guided by Bharat Dave from CRIDA (Critical Research In Digital Architecture) with the intention to explore the potential of digital technology from design to fabrication.
This project is tested with Generative Components (design) and 2D CNC machine (fabrication).
This tutorial uses a method which is similar to what Frank Gehry does in his design process.
1. Set site constraint. Location in x, y, z-coordinates.
2. Digital Design
3. Mock-up Test
4. Feedback rules + contraiants to digital model base on materiality of the physical mockup test
5. Unfold
6. Fabricate
7. Assemble

I guess what I've got most out of this project is the use of digital tools in the making of a design and the understanding of how through folding + unfolding of planes to create 'curvy' + dynamic forms from 2D planar shapes.
The choice of material must be determine from the start in order to fully utilize the potential of this new tool.
Most importantly, what you'ld see in the computer will not always be what it's like in the real world. However, through means of fabrication, geometry can be quickly tested out and overall form can be rationalized base on what you can learn from the mock-ups.