Saturday, June 27, 2009

MArch 1st year - Fabrication + Mass Customization Studio

ABstraction FABrication
This studio aims to investigate the influence of new technologies on design processes,

Opimizing panel layout strategies to minimize wastage. Unfortunately, I can't afford CATIA which has a wonderful feature which allows you too automatically optmizes the layout with just a few clicks. For this project, panels are unfolded with Pepakura (an origami program) and autoCAD is use to mamnually place and align the panels, inc. the numbering.

Interim Review-

Intention: To explore the notion of surface in architecture. Methodology: Divide + Conquer~!

Digital JIG modeling with Generative Components

Assembly of the structural members that are unfolded manualy with autoCAD

Discovery of non planar surfaces that are almost impossible to design it with tolerence because of the surface curvature.

material + form hyphothesis:

1 For quads to 'behave' properly (structurally sound + ease of assembly), increment of the offset splines must be of the exact same amount. Can be explained by Foster's building whenever he uses quads, his form is symmetrical.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Urban Planning

Proposed is a food, music, and hospitality development for a developer company which is also Malaysia's largest engineering company.

Project Team:
Design Concept: Alvin LIM + Rosaling KIT + Sid SIT + me
Design Communication: Sid SIT + Mariza ADELINA + Yose SUPRAYOGI + me

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Freelance Interior Rendering - Eco-Centre

1. mental.ray.daylighting.high
2. Final Gather enabled
- FG point = 100
3. Global Illumination enabled
4. rendering time: 27 mins

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Contemporary Digital Practice


Parametric design has been available for half a century, and it has not been; until the last 2 decades that architects have started to make use of this technology and explore its potentials in the field of their practice. Parametric design allows design information to be stored in a relational or fractional base so that changes made to one entity will directly affect all related entities. The incorporation of this design technique requires parametric computing skills and knowledge, where in some cases, ‘scripting’ is involved to assist project execution and documentation.

This paper attempts to identify the implicated advantages and disadvantages faced by the practises that utilize this approach. Information shared by all concerned participants is digitized. This study indicates as well, the demands in changes within an organizations project delivery system; with emphasis on the roles carried out by the architects, engineers, fabricators, manufacturers, and contractors.

Tutorial: Digital Design to Fabrication_

This is a project guided by Bharat Dave from CRIDA (Critical Research In Digital Architecture) with the intention to explore the potential of digital technology from design to fabrication.

This project is tested with Generative Components (design) and 2D CNC machine (fabrication).

This tutorial uses a method which is similar to what Frank Gehry does in his design process.
1. Set site constraint. Location in x, y, z-coordinates.
2. Digital Design
3. Mock-up Test
4. Feedback rules + contraiants to digital model base on materiality of the physical mockup test
5. Unfold
6. Fabricate
7. Assemble

I guess what I've got most out of this project is the use of digital tools in the making of a design and the understanding of how through folding + unfolding of planes to create 'curvy' + dynamic forms from 2D planar shapes.

The choice of material must be determine from the start in order to fully utilize the potential of this new tool.

Most importantly, what you'ld see in the computer will not always be what it's like in the real world. However, through means of fabrication, geometry can be quickly tested out and overall form can be rationalized base on what you can learn from the mock-ups.